Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats

Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats

Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats

Healing occurs in the mind, heart, spirit, and body. Any system of self-improvement that does not address all of these essential components of the human being is lacking. I believe this so strongly I’ll repeat it: Any attempt to heal only one aspect of yourself without addressing the others, will ultimately lead to imbalance and unhappiness.

The BIg Heart Path
Welcome back! In case you'd like to view all of this program's information in one place, I have included on this page: the "Introduction to SOAR - The Big Heart Path" information you may have already read, as well as the additional details you requested. To jump to the new information, click here. Or, scroll down and refresh your memory about the program before moving on.
"Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends."
I believe that humans are on Earth to create and experience love. In any other incarnation - as angels, gods, animals, trees, pure & radiant energy - we may be able to create and experience some other form of love, but never in the same uniquely special way we do as human beings: that tender, vulnerable, consciously mortal way of human loving. If I were ever asked, "why do you keep incarnating here on Earth?" I could answer with a lofty reply about being of service to humanity, or I could be more honest and say, "for the pizza and the love."
What a powerful gift: to love as a human being. The fact that we humans can generate such a profound force astounds me! And no matter how much love pours out of us, we always have the potential to create or channel more. And we keep sharing that love with others in spite of all the risks and pains, the past rejections and abandonments, the anxiety that comes from deep care. Our hearts are broken so many times, yet still, we continue loving. What incredible beings.
To experience love within the intimate container of "relationship" is a true blessing, and I do everything I can to nurture and protect that blessing in both my personal life and when working with clients. I believe the sacred relationship between two people in a committed partnership is one of the highest forms of embodied spiritual practice available.
I understand that not everyone holds the same perspective as me. Beliefs about love are very personal and often tied to our values, cultures, religious or non-religious upbringings, and the models of relationships we witnessed in our parents, films, and novels. Beliefs about love are also shaped by our our fantasies, dreams, desires, ideals, egos, fears, and traumas. Love can be thought of as romantic, ecstatic, unconditional, everlasting, platonic, transient, playful, comforting, erotic, karmic, dharmic...the list goes on!
But from one extreme to the other - whether we simply view love as an evolutionary mechanism to aid with pair bonding, procreation, and survival, or we view love as a sacred vehicle for soul transformation and communion with God - we cannot deny that love is a most powerful phenomenon.

In the Sufi creation story, the Universe existed as One, Divine, Totality of Energy at the beginning of time.
And while there was a fullness to that state of being, there was also a paradoxical lack, as there was no "Other" in existence to gaze upon the "One" with love, awe, and devotion. Because of that sense of lack, the Oneness that existed at the beginning of time began to feel a Divine sadness - a deep longing to be seen, known, and loved by an Other. This was the motivation for the Oneness of God to divide itself into the multi-faceted, myriad forms of all living beings. It was only then that it could experience the journey of re-uniting back into ultimate fullness through the experience of being seen, known, and loved by the Beloved.
In a beautiful way, when we experience being truly seen, know, and loved by our own Beloved, we are experiencing Divine communion - the purpose of existence itself. We are re-uniting with God, as God, through our sacred union.
Ram Das spoke of the sacred relationship as a sort of triangle. “One in which there are the two partners and a third force. This third force is that which emerges out of the interaction of these two partners. It is the shared awareness that lies behind the two of them. They are in this yoga of a relationship and have come together as one, in order to find the shared awareness that exists behind them, allowing them to then dance as two so that the twoness brings them into one and the oneness dances as two. That is the kind of vibrating relationship between the one and the two, so that people are both separate and yet they are not separate. But often, we come into a relationship very much identified with our needs at some level or other, and it really only gets extraordinarily beautiful when it becomes ‘us’ and then goes behind the ‘us’ and becomes ‘one.’”
I refer to this third force – the 'one' that is created between two people in a sacred relationship – as “The Big Heart,” and I believe that everything we do while in a sacred relationship should be nurturing & in service to The Big Heart. At the very least, neither partners' actions, thoughts, or motivations should be harmful to The Big Heart.
The Big Heart can also be thought of as a sacred container for the relationship: a sanctuary that holds each partner's needs, desires, values, and dreams - as well as the needs, desires, values and dreams of the collective relationship.

Next Level Couples Counseling
The Big Heart Path is a private, intimate, year-long journey designed for both 1) couples in newly formed relationships, and 2) couples who have been together for decades.
For couples newly in love, The Big Heart Path is an excellent way to build a solid foundation so you can move forward together aligned as your authentic selves, understanding each other deeply, and with the necessary tools & practices in place to remain in a powerful, happy relationship for years to come. This program will guide you to cultivate mindful awareness in your relationship, right from the start, so you can avoid creating unintentional wounds that require great healing. Essentially, at the start of your voyage together through life, you will be handed a compass calibrated to 'True North' so you don't get lost at sea.
For couples already in a marriage or long-term partnership, The Big Heart Path is a nourishing opportunity to take your existing Love to the next level...or to entirely re-birth your relationship! Perhaps your relationship is already going exceptionally well and you're mainly interested in deepening your connection; The Big Heart Path will guide you to an even more conscious, reverent relationship where you both feel truly seen, supported, celebrated, and alive within the partnership. For couples in a relationships that have plateaued or are struggling, we'll examine the areas that require reinvigoration or strengthening, then move through the process of healing past wounds, reviving passion & joy, evolving old habits/tendencies that no longer serve the relationship, and refining any other areas that are blocking the Love from flowing freely between both of you.
Whatever the specific story of your relationship may be, I am honored to be welcomed into your life, to guide you along The Big Heart Path toward a reality that fulfills the individual dreams of each partner - as well as the collective dreams of the relationship.
Areas of Cultivation
Some of the areas I help couples cultivate & embody along the Big Heart Path include:
Creating a Powerful "Big Heart" Container
Refining your Shared Path together
Practicing Conscious & Peaceful Communication
Embracing Play, Excitement & Joy together
Learning Constructive, Mindful Conflict Resolution
Meditating for Clarity, Connection & Compassion
Participating in Ceremonies to Celebrate, Heal, or Let Go
Committing to Honesty & Transparency
Understanding Communion in Relationship
Exploring & Deepening Sensual/Sexual Union
Sharing Deep Appreciation & Awe
Welcoming Vulnerability & Openness
Holding Space for each other
Building & Restoring Trust
Helping each other Heal from Past Wounds
Knowing & Accepting each other's Authentic Selves
Feeling Heard, Seen, Loved, Respected, and Valued by each other
Learning the Sacred Art of Reverence & Worship in Relationship:
Relationship as Ceremony
“Where there is love, there is life.”
Mahatma Gandhi

The Structure of the Program
The Big Heart Path is a private, year-long program comprised of 15 themed modalities, each of which has been thoughtfully curated to address a common desire, need, or challenge found in romantic relationships. Couples will meet with me twice a month for Couples Counseling, during which we'll explore the current modality's theme and how it applies to their specific relationship. We will also periodically weave in relevant Connection Experiences (meditations, rituals, and ceremonies) that provide opportunities for deeper intimacy, uncovered insights, the dissolution of resistance, necessary shifts to occur, and transmitted truths to be immediately felt with unshakable clarity.
The Couples Counseling sessions run 2 hours long each, while the Connection Experiences are typically longer due to their ceremonial nature. In between our times together, couples are encouraged to practice integrating & embodying the wisdom uncovered during our sessions; I also encourage couples to try out various "relationship experiments" (i.e. self-guided connection experiences, specific conversations, alterations of patterns, and other homework assignments & relationship missions.)
Having said all that, we will always adapt the Big Heart Path to suit your relationship's specific needs - what you're comfortable exploring, what you'd like to address with more or less precision, and what brings both of you the greatest sense of satisfaction. Neither partner will ever be expected to compromise their values or boundaries.
Logistically, if you prefer to meet for one, long intensive each month instead of two separate sessions, that is an option. As well, some couples prefer to come in separately from time to time, when they feel that will best serve their relationship; that can absolutely be accommodated. There is also an optional, personalized Retreat that can be integrated into The Big Heart Path. This Retreat can be held in a number of beautiful locations in the United States or abroad, and the experience can be co-lead by one or more healers/facilitators, depending on what your relationship needs.
Don't live in the Las Vegas area? You are welcome to embark on The Big Heart Path virtually for the Couples Counseling sessions, then arrange to visit Las Vegas for two in-person intensives/mini retreats over the year, during which you'll experience the meditations, rituals, and ceremonies.
If you find yourself intrigued by this program (or in need of it!), reach out to me and sign up for a 2 hour Introductory Session to meet and see if there is a felt resonance between us, as well as to learn more about how The Big Heart Path journey can best support your unique relationship. The Introductory Session will be at my hourly rate with no obligation for you to sign up for the program.

I work with clients from an array of spiritual and non-spiritual backgrounds; your beliefs will always be respected, and you won’t be expected to change them. Personally, I consider myself a "free agent" and don't hold firm attachments to any religious, spiritual, or philosophical vantage points (though I explore a good many of them.) I'm comfortable working with Christians, Buddhists, Atheists, Taoists, Plant Medicine Enthusiasts, Jewish folks, Existentialists, Muslims, Sufis, Mormons, Non-Dualists, Agnostics, Pagans, Druids, Priestesses, or however else you identify. The same acceptance applies to gender identities, sexual orientations, and races.
The Big Heart Path itself is not a religious one, though it certainly can be if your relationship is religious! This program is designed to work for a wide variety of couples, and, as mentioned earlier, it is mercurial in nature; we will adapt the path according to exactly what each of you desires - including more/less/no integration of spirituality.
In fact, for those of you who don't consider yourselves spiritual at all (and are perhaps turned off by all this talk of "communion" and "Divinity" in relationships), read on! What follows is a beautiful, scientific love story between two, brilliant, atheist minds: Carl Sagan & Ann Druyan.

"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love."
Carl Sagan
In the 1970's, astronomer Carl Sagan and his beloved fiancée, Ann Druyan, were part of a team of scientists that sent an unmanned spaceship from Earth to the far reaches of the galaxy. Ann wrote about how difficult it was to decide exactly what to put on the golden record attached to the side of that spaceship. That one record was meant to contain valuable information about all of life on Earth - the entire human experience! - which would someday, maybe, be deciphered by other-worldly intelligences, should they ever come in contact with the ship.
When the project was complete, the spaceship blasted off containing music, photographs, greetings in 55 languages, a mixture of Earthly sounds, a salutation from the United Nations, and…an EEG containing the brain waves of a young woman thinking about the man she loved.

It was Ann herself, madly in love with Carl, who volunteered to have her most intimate, love-filled thoughts archived for non-human entities to someday find & interpret, so that they might catch a glimpse of what is surely one of the most precious and extraordinary experiences in the entire Universe: to love as a human being.
What kind of relationship are you cultivating? Is it one you'd deem worthy of blasting to the furthest corners of the Universe!?

This program is my most tender offering. It's the culmination of wisdom gained over fifteen years of Couples Counseling, Spiritual Guidance, and Ceremonies with clients, as well as decades of my own cultivation practice. I approach this work with an immense amount of integrity & compassion - not only because that is the ethical thing to do, but also because love and relationships are two of my own most deeply held values, and I do everything I can to nurture and protect them.
If you feel this program is a great fit for what you need and you're ready to make a devotional commitment to your relationship's unique process of metamorphosis, I couldn't be happier to be chosen as your trusted guide.

Let's go on a pilgrimage for a year and worship Love. Let's travel to the epi-center of Love and master the practices needed to protect, nurture, and evolve that Love at the center of your relationship. If you're looking to create a conscious union together based on authentic connection, deep devotion, peaceful communication, and a sincere desire to support one another's most cherished dreams, I invite you to begin the journey along The Big Heart Path.
Below you will find details for The Big Heart Path program. The program is comprised of 15 themed modalities, each of which is represented by a picture and an accompanying description of the modality. Also included in the program but not pictured below, are readings, podcasts, self-guided connection experiences, and other suggested activities that will be offered to you throughout the course of the program. This information is not included because it varies greatly from couple to couple and is curated along the way, based on each couple's unique needs.
I hope you enjoy viewing the program details and gauging the general feel & flow of The Big Heart Path. After the program details, you will find optional add-on modalities, responses to FAQs, and the next step to move forward. Enjoy!

Initial Guidance Session
*Two Hour Introductory Session*
An opportunity for you to share the dreams, goals, challenges, and wounds of your relationship, discuss how The Big Heart Path program can support your unique needs & desires, feel if there is a resonance between us, and determine if I am the best counselor & guide for your relationship's transformation.

The Big Heart
*What exactly is "The Big Heart"?* Understanding The Big Heart as the sanctuary for your relationship and as a vessel for profound personal evolution; learning how to create a relationship in service to the Big Heart; exploring possible places of resistance or hesitancy; refining the concept of The Big Heart to align with the style/needs of your relationship.

Preparing for The Beloved
*The Greatest Love Story Ever Told*
Creating the necessary internal & external environments to best prepare you to show up as the Beloved for your Dharmic (Soul) Partner; exploring the current nature of relationship roles you embody; beginning to practice meditation/intuitive reflection to receive clarity beyond the mind & emotions.

Heart Affinity: a Prayer
*Heart-Centered Connection Experience*
This simple yet powerful, ancient Buddhist meditation has been adapted into a secular Connection Experience. Some couples choose to add this guided prayer to the start of a Couples Counseling session in the "Through Conflict to Communion" modality (resulting in a much longer session, but one in which you will be in a very peaceful state, right from the start!) Or, this can stand on its own as a separate session.

Relationship as Ceremony
*Worship, Reverence, & Awe
in Sacred Relationships*
Understanding your relationship as a powerful spiritual practice - or as the finest opportunity for self & collective cultivation on the planet; learning the art of embodied presence with your Beloved; bringing more reverence, awe, ritual, worship, compassion, trust, fullness, openness, honor, and peace into your relationship.

Through Conflict to Communion
*The Art of Peaceful & Conscious Communication*
This is a huge modality. Some of what we will cover includes: preparing for big conversations, self vs. inter-personal conflict, non-violent communication, when and how to compromise, deep listening and holding space, sub-personalities in times of conflict, what to do when you're grid-locked, how to help each other heal, and more.

Sacred Check-Ins
*Nourishing Individual & Collective Needs & Dreams*
Sharing your deepest life-dreams and relationship needs in a way that allows your partner to best support them; reflecting on your individual & collective evolution in the relationship (including how well you are supporting your partner's valued needs); practicing selfless listening & understanding.

*Connection Experience: Letting Go*
This ritual/ceremony will be customized based on your specific needs and may involve any combination of: burial, fire, releasing the past, liberation from dark energy, deconstructing old narratives & identities, somatic healing, releasing your partner from your projections of them, or Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Healing. This modality can be moved to any point along your journey, if desired.

To Be Held
*Connection Experience: Holding*
During this session, you will be guided through couples activities that explore the importance of non-sexual physical closeness. Activities include: Love Locks, Polarity in Relationships, The Cuddle Sutra, Love Jiu Jitsu, and Tenderness & Touch. After each activity is discussed, you will left alone in the meditation room to practice on your own, as a couple.

*A Conversational Deep Dive into your Sexual Expression of Love*
This modality is all about passion, feeling desired + desiring, trust, sexual preferences & boundaries, wounds around sexual expression, sexual healing, how to talk about sex in a non-threatening way, and how to create a sexual connection that is sensual, fiery, playful, heart-felt, & soul-full.

*Joy, Meaning, and लीला 'Lila' -
Divine Play in your relationship*
Exploring how to weave more joy into your relationship; practicing light-hearted ways to address non-crucial tensions/annoyances between you & your Beloved; remembering the 30,000 foot perspective; discovering playful archetypes & how they can serve your Love; knowing when not to play.

For Love
*Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Healing Connection Experience*
This deeply meditative ceremony will be co-led by my healing partner, Jessica Foutz, a Heart-Centered Sound Therapist. You will have the option of receiving the South American plant medicine hapé, but it is not necessary to feel the benefits of this very special experience; it is merely a sacred intensifier for clearing & grounding.

Power + Identity
*Uncovering Your Relationship's Unique Identity, Real Power, and Gift*
Knowing and embodying your unique identity & power within the relationship + your gift to the relationship; knowing & embodying the relationship's unique identity & power + gift ; aligning with meaning, purpose, and integrity; remembering that your relationship is mythical, magical, and yours to create, entirely as you wish.

Joyful Celebration and/or New Commitment Ceremony
*Customized Connection Experience*
In this final modality, you may choose a ceremony to: celebrate your Love, make a new commitment to each other, experience another Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Healing (with Jessica Foutz & I), or anything else you feel perfectly marks the end of The Big Heart Path program (but not the end of The Big Heart Path!) You are welcome to keep this as a private, couples ceremony - or to involve your friends and/or family.

Through the Gateway
*Connection Experience: Rite of Passage*
Held outdoors in nature, this half-day rite will help you embody the new awareness you've been uncovering & may involve: a symbolic portal/gateway leading to a desired future, (or a courageous crossing into the mysterious unknown!), a True Self activity to further honor & solidify the identities, powers, and gifts uncovered in the previous modality, and an appreciation for how far you've come.

*Creating a Sanctuary for Truth*
For more guidance on how to create an inner (mind-space) & outer (physical space) in which the voice of Truth can be best received, this modality can be added to your journey. We'll dive deep into intuition development, what may be blocking you from knowing your Truth, and how to build a connection to your own inner guidance (which provides a solid, trusted clarity beyond all fluctuating emotions & thoughts.)

*Nourish, Expand, & Accelerate*
Based on your specific needs, a custom, private retreat can be created for you in either the Pacific Northwest or abroad. This incredible experience can be co-led by a variety of trusted healers & facilitators specializing in: somatic healing, yoga, grief therapy, nature immersions, trauma release, plant medicine ceremonies, physical detoxification, & psycho-spiritual development. This is a special, meaningful opportunity for your relationship.

*Group Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Ceremony with optional Hapé*Co-led by Jessica Foutz, this "Healing Waters" ceremony (comprised of your friends) will illuminate the power of the communal healing environment. Group ceremonies are typically several hours longer than individual ceremonies, and while less individual attention may be received, there is something truly special & powerful when a group of sincere, dedicated individuals gathers together to heal, explore, & expand.
The financial commitment for this intimate, private, year-long program is $12,000 per couple when paid in full, or four payments of $3,240. For cash transactions, there is a discount offered (ask me for details.)
Included in The Big Heart Path program are:
48 hours of private Couples Counseling Sessions with Jaclyn (choose either two, 2-hour sessions per month or one, 4-hour intensive each month; you can alternate between formats as you desire)
18 hours of uniquely curated Connection Experiences that include a combination of: Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Ceremonies, Intimacy Meditations, Rituals for Letting Go, Shamanic Healings, Prayers & Blessings, Somatic Healings, Nature Rituals, Celebration Ceremonies, and New Commitment Ceremonies. Note: the cost for any/all guest facilitators involved with the Connection Experiences is also included.
Are there any extra costs?
Underneath the "More" category, you will find optional modalities you can add the program. The "Intuit" and "Tribe" modalities can either be added to the program at the hourly rate of $180/$150 cash, or they can be switched out in lieu of existing modalities at no extra cost. The "Retreat" modality is a completely customized option that will be created specifically for you upon request; the cost varies greatly depending on the location, other facilitators involved, and the overall extensiveness of the planned Retreat. If you are being mindful about spending extra money, the Retreat option can easily incorporate a number of the existing Connection Experience Modalities, rather than standing alone as an entirely different & additional experience.
On another note, some couples may decide they want more Couples Counseling sessions during a particular part of the year-long journey. For example, if you are working through something very intense in your relationship, you may wish to come in weekly that month instead of just twice, which would require that you sign up for two, additional Couples Counseling sessions at my hourly rate. (Or, we could just spend more time where it is needed, and shorten other parts of the program!) It is entirely up to you whether or not you wish to add more monthly sessions at any point during this program; I will never pressure you to do so.
Is there an average age of couples who participate in this program?
I've worked with couples ranging from their early 20s to their 70s. There is something beautiful and profound about all stages of a relationship, and there is much to be gained from The Big Heart Path regardless of your age. Since this is an intimate, private program, the journey will be adapted specifically for your relationship; the content is mercurial within the 15 modalities, so depending on your relationship's specific needs & challenges, the modalities will be adapted to suit you. So whatever stage of life you are currently embracing, The Big Heart Path will be a meaningful opportunity for you to be guided further along your unique journey together, starting from exactly where you are.
Do we need experience with meditation before we embark on this journey?
Nope! I love working with beginners, with full-blown masters, and with anyone in between. I've worked with such a range of clients over the years: from seasoned Dzogchen, Zen, and Vajrayana practitioners...to husbands or wives who were dragged in by their partners and were downright against the idea of meditation (or believed it was antithetical to their religion.) I am happy and comfortable with all levels of meditators and non-meditators.
What if we decide to travel or need to take time off for other obligations?
As far as travel, illness, family time, or other reasons to pause your sessions - you are more than welcome to step away from the program as you see fit, as long as the program is completed within 1.5 years. One of the strengths of The Big Heart Path program is that it serves as both a catalyst for new awareness and an incubator in which you will be nurtured to embody that new awareness. This is a different experience than popping in and out to see a therapist or attending a single retreat; this is a dedicated journey of inward reflection, change at the deepest levels, and meaningful application of those inward changes to your relationship. So, apart from "down time" due to illness, it is encouraged that you do not step away from the program for more than a few weeks at a time unless you are doing so in support of your relationship's positive transformation (i.e. you are taking extra time to integrate a new discovery or you are engaging in meaningful activities/travel to nurture your relationship.)
Will you be traveling or taking time off for other obligations?
I will likely need to travel abroad during the course of our time together. I am a long-time devoted cultivator and sometimes travel for solo nature retreats, trainings, and residencies. These times away are essential to nurturing my own personal & professional development, and they serve to make me an even better guide for you, upon return.
If I do need to travel, you will always be informed ahead of time, and you will either have the option to continue meeting with me over Zoom (unless I'm in a very remote location) or we can simply pause the program until I return. If you choose to pause the program, I will leave you with a thoughtfully curated collection of gems in lieu of my stead (suggested books, activities, self-guided Connection Experiences, etc.) to keep you both on track and in the energy of The Big Heart program. Also to note: my time away will never count towards your 1.5 year completion time (i.e. if I leave for a month, you then have 1 year and 6 months to complete the program.)
Do we have to use plant medicines in this program?
No. In some of the Connection Experiences there is the option to be served hapé or a 25-herb tea, but neither of those medicines is necessary for you to experience results in those modalities; the plant medicines are merely intensifiers. For the optional Retreat, depending on your circumstances & goals, there are other plant medicines available which may be offered by guest healers. Again, these medicines are not required or necessary to experience the power of the optional Retreat.
The Big Heart Path program is a medicinal container in itself, and the use of plant medicines isn't necessary for metamorphosis within that container - especially because this program has been designed to both 1) activate new awareness and 2) aid in the grounded, practical integration & embodiment of that newfound awareness into your everyday life and relationship.
What if we need to do individual work first, before we're ready to embark on this journey?
There is a modality towards the beginning of The Big Heart Path called "Preparing For the Beloved" that addresses this. And, beyond that modality, The Big Heart Path will incorporate opportunities for solo reflection & individual refinement as part of the collective journey. And: there is always the option to come in separately for some of your monthly sessions! However, if you feel that your relationship would best be served by having each partner focus on intensive individual work before embarking on The Big Heart Path together, I encourage you to read about SOAR's "The Initiation" program - a year-long solo journey of self-refinement. Some couples find that moving individually through The Initiation first is an excellent place to begin.
How does The Big Heart Path program work if we don't live in Las Vegas?
It's easy! We will meet over Zoom for our Couples Counseling sessions, and regarding the remainder of the program experiences, you can choose to either:
Come to Las Vegas for two, in-person intensives/mini retreats over the year, during which you'll experience all the meditations, rituals, & ceremonies (the first visit will include Heart Affinity: a Prayer, Liberate, To Be Held, and For Love; the second visit will include Through the Gateway and Joyful Celebration and/or New Commitment Ceremony) OR
Come to Las Vegas for one in-person intensive/mini-retreat and then incorporate the remainder of the modalities into a more extensive Retreat in the Pacific Northwest or abroad (or: elsewhere in the States if you have a special location in mind!)
For the first option, there is no extra program cost (you will just need to pay for your travel + accommodations.) For the second option, there will be an extra program cost due to the fact that I (& possibly Jessica, depending on your preferences) will be traveling for the Retreat.
Will all our relationship problems be solved by the end of this program?
That's a big ask...and we can certainly work towards that, but the possibility also remains that you will need to continue working on certain areas of your relationship after the program is complete. If nothing else, you will receive a ton of clarity, life-changing wisdom, evergreen tools, and rich value from this program; and once you both fully embody the wisdom & awareness that you uncover along The Big Heart Path, your relationship will be fundamentally, permanently, positively changed. So even if there are still some areas of your relationship that require refinement, you will have a very clear continuing plan of exactly what those areas are and what you can do to continue evolving your Love together.
Are other guides and healers involved?
There can be! And they are incredible. I have dear friends/colleagues in both Las Vegas and the Pacific Northwest who specialize in a variety of healing modalities ranging from somatic healing, grief therapy, trauma healing, nature immersions, yoga, plant medicine ceremonies, psycho-spiritual development, and physical detoxification. So depending on exactly what you desire, any combination of these practitioners can be woven into your optional Retreat. As well, one of the Las Vegas based healers - Sound Therapist Jessica Foutz - is already woven into both the "For Love" and "Tribe" ceremonies, and, if desired, can be easily woven into the "Joyful Celebration and/or New Commitment Ceremony". There are also additional male & female Las Vegas facilitators that can be woven into The Big Heart Path modalities, depending on your specific needs. And finally, if your heart is set on working with indigenous guides from Native North American or South American traditions, that can be arranged.

E-mail me at jaclyn.costello@gmail.com or text me at 702.619.6219 to sign up for an Introductory Session so we can meet, see if there is a felt resonance between us, and explore how The Big Heart Path will best support your unique relationship. The Introductory Session will be at my hourly rate ($180, or $150 cash/Venmo) with no obligation for you to sign up for the program.
© Copyrighted 2024 by Jaclyn Costello & Sanyasi LLC - 3249 Grayson Lake Court - Las Vegas, Nevada - 702.619.6219
Jaclyn Costello - Las Vegas Couples Counseling, Spiritual Guidance, Empowerment Coaching - Home