Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats

Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats

Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats

Healing occurs in the mind, heart, spirit, and body. Any system of self-improvement that does not address all of these essential components of the human being is lacking. I believe this so strongly I’ll repeat it: Any attempt to heal only one aspect of yourself without addressing the others, will ultimately lead to imbalance and unhappiness.

Medicinal Sound
we are all brought forth out of darkness and water,
brought into this world through blood and through pain,
and deep in our bones, the old songs are wakening,
so sing them with voices of thunder and rain.
Wyndreth Berginsdottir

The gentle pulse of our mother's heartbeat is the first sound we encounter as humans, while we are still in the womb. Much like a shamanic drumbeat, that heartbeat soothed us, nourished us, and resonated with the rhythm of our own newly-formed heart. After that, it was human voices that held us. Lullabies. Laughter. Our caretaker's words. These sounds comforted us in a wide, vast world that was still unfamiliar and daunting.
It was also the sounds of nature that welcomed us to the Earth. The birds. The wind. The rain. The stars. (Yes, if you listen closely enough, the stars sound like twinkling chimes.) All of the natural world shares with us its melody - and we, too, contribute to that orchestra, as all beings contribute their unique rhythms.
Many spiritual traditions believe sound to be the catalyst of all creation. In the old testaments of Christianity, Judaism, & Islam when God first speaks: Light itself appears, and that Light is the Logos (Word) of God. In Hinduism, the word "Om" (AUM) is believed to be the primordial sound of creation - the original vibration of the entire universe, existing before any forms came into being. Aristotle and the Pythagoras discussed musica universlis, a philosophical concept regarding the movement of the celestial bodies & the divine music they create as they slowly twirl.
Sound creates movement, and movement creates sound; they go hand in hand. The Sufi dervishes embody that very movement in their gentle, whirling meditations; while listening to sacred music or reciting devotional prayers, the dervishes whirl with their right palms up to the sky to receive Allah's love, and their left palms down to direct that love & grace through their bodies, as channels, to be grounded here on Earth.
Nearly all ancient and contemporary spiritual practices incorporate songs, mantras, instruments, dance, hymns, or chants into their meditations and prayers. Sound moves us as it moves through us. It moves our bodies & our souls.
Because of its primordial, poetic, resonate nature, sound is medicine for the soul. But not only is the soul affected by sound, so too are the mind and body. There is a science to sound therapy. When we are stressed, our body becomes flooded with hormones that make it difficult to self-soothe, access problem-solving skills, and make choices reflective of our truths. One of the most powerful yet gentle ways to exit that discordant state is through sound healing.
The reason our bodies respond so well to the vibrational frequencies of sound is because there are 30 trillion cells inside us, and all those cells are naturally vibrating at their own, innate frequencies. Cilia, the antenna-like structures on the surface of cells, respond harmoniously to specific healing frequencies; and then, quite therapeutically, our cells begin to produce nitric oxide to signal the surrounding muscles to relax. As the nervous system becomes soothed, there is a deeper sense of ease throughout the entire body and mind, and we become better able to process our inner worlds with self-love and clarity.
Frequency + Intention = Healing
Benefits of sound therapy include:
*reduced stress
*deeper relaxation
*increased energy/chi/life force
*more creativity
*stabilized emotions
*decreased pain and inflammation
*improved sleep
*boost in confidence
*increased blood flow
*soothed nervous system
*attuned cellular vibrations to healthy resonances
*aligned right & left sides of the brain, leading to
clearer thinking

​"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."
Nikola Tesla
Our medicinal sound healings are guided by a combination of intuition, intent, and science. Because much of our experience and training follows shamanic lineages & traditional/indigenous healing customs, the sound ceremonies we offer are reflective of those roots. Specific instruments and medicine songs are chosen from a variety of cultures and, depending on the ceremony, we sing from the heart in Portuguese, Yawa, Kaxinawá, Quechua, Sanskrit, Spanish, Hebrew, Yiddish, English, Norse, Arabic, and Gaelic. If there is a specific religion, culture heritage, or belief system that you hold dear, please let us know when you sign up, and if we are versed in that tradition, we would be honored to incorporate related, medicinal songs into your unique ceremony.
Each of our musical instruments has been consciously chosen from experienced artisans or medicine workers ensure that love & care were present during the creation of the healing tools. For example, one of Jaclyn's drums was made for her by a humble medicine-man in Guatemala who uses the profits acquired from selling his instruments to help fund an orphanage near Lake Atitlan. Jaclyn's deer antler furry rattle was created by a sweet-spirited shamanic practitioner in the Ukraine. Each of the seven of Jessica's Himalayan singing bowls were hand-crafted by spiritual artisans under the full moon in Nepal. Jessica's black locust branch flute was made by an artist in Eastern Europe who wanders through foggy forests to places he feels most at peace, then carefully selects fallen branches to create flutes that reflect the ancient sounds of the forest and its inhabitants. Currently, we are having two "sister" flutes made (one with the spirit of the dragon, the other with the spirit of the raven) by a Russian artisan who is infusing blessings into the instruments as she carves them. The majority of our many instruments have their own beautiful creation stories and have been lovingly chosen by us to be part of your ceremony.
It is often helpful to arrive at a sound healing ceremony with an intention or question in mind; you may even choose to share that intention with us, so that we can hold it in our hearts during the ceremony. Our intention is to create a safe, protective space in which you feel deeply cared for during your healing. We approach this work with great integrity, so whether your intention is to soothe past wounds, explore a meaningful question, connect with God, honor a big transition in your life, or simply relax and de-stress, you will be in good hands.

At this time, we are only working with small groups (3-8 people) of individuals who already know one another. Each of our group ceremonies is curated uniquely for you, based on your specific needs (i.e. women's circles, men's groups, families, couples, initiations, celebrations, blessings, shamanic work, religious gatherings, etc.) There is something very special about the communal healing environment where the experience is shared and collective. If you are interested in receiving hapé during your medicinal sound ceremony, that can be arranged; in fact, it's encouraged to deepen the experience! We also offer cacao or a 25-herb tea, as less intense options. Reach out to us for more details!
About Us
If you've discovered this page without first visiting the home page of this site, feel free to explore the home page to learn more about me (Jaclyn Costello.) The page you are currently on for "Medicinal Sound Ceremonies" is part of my larger site, and if you visit my home page, you can learn more about my background as well as additional offerings. One way or another, please also read on to learn more about my incredible healing partner, Sound Therapist Jessica Foutz, pictured below.

About Jessica, from Jaclyn
I met Jessica several years ago when she contacted me to facilitate a hapé ceremony for herself and five of her friends. I'll never forget that first phone call between us, because I immediately felt there was something special about our connection that was likely to transcend the planned event.
The ceremony was held outside, at night, underneath the trees and stars. My assistant and I arrived early to prepare the circle, and not too long after we'd placed the finishing touches on the altar, Jessica arrived. I remember seeing her as Mother Mary - pure, holy, compassionate, and maternal - without an ounce of darkness or selfishness. I could speak for ages on her lovely qualities...
We became fast friends, and the friendship bloomed into a healing collaboration. At first we weren't exactly sure what direction we wanted to take our partnership, but we decided on Medicinal Sound Ceremonies because Jessica was already an accredited sound therapist, and I had already been practicing shamanic work (with the use of healing songs) for many years - so it felt like a natural evolution for both of us. We also both believed that the use of sacred sound technologies, as a modality, was an accessible, nourishing, safe, and gently powerful way for people from all backgrounds to open up to the subtle realms within.
Jessica's Background
Jessica Foutz is an accredited sound therapist, singer, and energy healer. From a young age, she has used music as a form of healing, first on herself and then on others to help them reconnect with their divine essence. As a sound healing practitioner, Jessica has studied vocal performance, the medicine of sound, Usui/Tibetan Reiki, ego development, and the evolution of shadow resolution. The more Jessica understands the mind, body, and soul, the more compassion she has for each human being's unique healing process, and the better able she becomes to nurture & guide the transformation process of others, which she considers a true honor.
A theme in Jessica's life has been learning the concept of "alchemy" (of turning lead into gold, coal into diamonds) and how this metaphorically translates into a psychological map that can be used to navigate the internal world - transforming debilitating trauma into functional strength, and transforming stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Jessica holds this approach within a tender awareness of the neurobiological effects that can come with enduring childhood trauma.
Jessica's husband and three children are a huge priority & driving force in her life, and they continue to provide her with valuable lessons on love, self-love, adaptation, and being present in real-time. In fact, it was love for her husband that inspired Jessica to begin studying sound therapy in 2017, after her husband experienced a condition that threatened his life. He had sought help through MDs, Functional Neurologists, Therapists, and Yoga - and while each of these methods provided vital answers & solutions to his condition, none played as great a role in his recovery as sound.
Specifically, it was the crystal singing bowls experienced during a Kundalini yoga class that made the biggest breakthrough on his path to healing. The slow, angelic, oscillation of the quartz bowls entrained his brain into the delta brainwave state, creating a deep sense of relaxation & restoration that set the stage for further healing. When Jessica noticed such positive effects on her husband's well-being, she surprised him with a set of crystal singing bowls for Valentine's Day and began taking classes on how to use them so she could provide him with the same positive effects that he'd experienced in class. Looking back on this time, Jessica and her husband both agree it was an incredibly powerful chapter in their lives that brought them even closer together.
Thank you for exploring this page! Please reach out with any questions.

"Do you know why birds sing just before dawn? Scientists believe it's to tell their mates that they've made it through the night, as a way of saying, 'I'm still here.' Maybe that's why we sing, too, why we create art - as a way of saying, 'I made it. I'm still here.' "
Jeff Goins

Reach out below if you have a group interested in Medicinal/Shamanic Ceremony work. At this time, we are not taking on individuals for solo work. However, there are many powerful, private ceremonies woven into the year-long program, "The Initiation" so if you'd like more information about that transformative journey, please read the "Introduction to SOAR - The Initiation" page and fill out the contact form at the bottom of that page. Thank you so much for your interest!

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