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What does it mean to you to soar? Is it creating a life filled with soulful adventures? Watching your most beloved wishes materialize? Dedicating yourself to a spiritual practice to deepen your understanding of reality? Is it having a healthy body, mind, and spirit? Cultivating a lasting sense of peace? Being of service to others? Walking upon the Earth more harmoniously? Is it experiencing the joy found in meaningful relationships with others & with yourself? Is it residing within an internal place of unshakable sovereignty? 

No matter the contents of your heart's desires, before you can truly soar in your life, it would be wise to first descend into soul. It is only from within this deep inner realm that a profound metamorphosis can take place; from within this sanctuary of depth, truth, and awareness you will anchor, restore and purify - aligning with your truest Self and discovering a wellspring of authentic power. That alignment and power are the essential conditions for you to achieve your wildest dreams and share your greatest offerings. 

A decent into soul is an extended process of discovery that results in a radical alteration of consciousness and a psychospiritual shift in identity. This process is very different than a mere "rite of passage" which is typically a ceremony, event, or experience that marks a particular change in a person's life such as puberty, pregnancy, marriage, induction into a special group, the ordination of a priest, the enthronement of a King, etc. By contrast, a decent into soul is not a singular rite or ritual that marks a passage between socially defined roles or statuses, but rather, it is an extensive journey (containing many rites, ceremonies, periods of introspection, and meetings with a trusted guide) that allows the individual to transition between entire levels of spiritual development, reaching a level of sophisticated spiritual maturation along the path of personal evolution.

SOAR's "The Initiation" is designed to catalyze & support your individual process of soul-decent, metamorphosis, and expansion, so that whatever it personally means to you to soar can be fully embodied.

The Initiation is a private, intimate, year-long journey that weaves together Personal Guidance Sessions & unique Experiential Modalities. Each of the Experiential Modalities contains a thoughtfully curated ceremony or meditation created to heal, activate, clear, or illuminate specific aspects of the participant's soul, heart, and psyche. The program has been structured around these modalities because ceremonies & sacred meditations satisfy our longing for spiritual communion, personal healing, and a reverent, felt understanding of our place within the primordial universe. These rites of passage and holy rituals have been part of the human experience for tens of thousands of years and are no less powerful today than they were when performed by our ancient ancestors, underneath the stars. To participate in such an experience is to dedicate oneself to the mysterious adventure of continual awakening. 

Between each of the 15 Experiential Modalities, participants meet with me twice a month for Personal Guidance Sessions which can include: Spiritual Guidance, Therapy, Empowerment Coaching, Strategic Business/Life Re-Structuring, or Jungian Sandplay Therapy. These sessions are also invaluable for integrating the gems uncovered during the Experiential Modalities, so you're better able to apply grounded, lasting changes to your everyday life before moving on to the next modality where you will explore even further and go even deeper. Due to the organic nature of personal evolution, the Personal Guidance Sessions are not rigid and will be adapted to suit your specific needs - what you're working on during any given month, what you need to address with more precision, and what brings you the greatest sense of progress. Logistically, if you prefer to meet for one, 3 hour session each month instead of two, 1.5 hour sessions, that is a welcomed option.

There is also an optional, personalized Retreat that can be integrated into The Initiation program mid-way through. This retreat can be held in a number of beautiful locations in the United States or abroad, and the experience will be co-lead by one or more healers/facilitators specializing in either somatic healing, grief therapy, yoga, nature immersions, plant medicine ceremonies, psycho-spiritual development, or physical detoxification, depending on exactly what you need.  

If you do not live in the Las Vegas area, you are welcome to embark on The Initiation journey virtually for your Personal Guidance Sessions, then arrange to visit Las Vegas for several intensives over the year, during which you will experience the in-person Experiential Modalities.

Either way, if you find yourself intrigued by this program, reach out to me via the form at the bottom of this page and I will send you a private link to enter The Initiation portal where you can view a detailed description of the program including information about each of the 15 Experiential Modalities, pricing, and FAQs. After that, if you'd like to schedule an Introductory Session to meet and see if there is a felt resonance between us, as well as to learn more about how The Initiation can best support your specific life & dreams, that session can be arranged with no obligation for you to sign up for the program. 

Transformational Programs Las Vegas
Men's Coaching Programs Las Vegas

"When Jaclyn asked me on day one what I most wanted from this, I told her ‘to clear myself of all darkness, become ready for a sacred relationship, and move into the highest level of awareness possible for me.' She looked at me with a straight face and said, 'okay'. Down the road we laughed and honored that moment, not just because of the grandeur of my intentions but also when I realized she had given me exactly what I'd asked for... even though the process of getting me there didn't look anything like I thought it would. In fact It was much harder, less glamorous, and involved more deep, grounded and steady work, but it was exactly what I needed and had been yearning for my whole life.

That's an important note for future participants: what your egoic personality may want to experience is most likely not what you ultimately need, as what you might actually require is a lot of letting go and releasing of many of your deepest held thoughts, beliefs & mental constructs to actually bring about real lasting and radical change.

Until I met Jaclyn, I didn't realize how much I was dwelling on the surface of things. I'd been seeking and joining all sorts of programs, teachers, and most recent plant medicine retreats, but not making any real progress. I even paid a prominent men's coach $75,000 for eight months of what turned out to be impersonal, disorienting coaching in a small group setting that did nothing but create more of an internal mess for me to clean up.

Jaclyn is different from anyone I've worked with, not just because of her pure, wise, powerful embodied presence, but also in the way she truly shows up for you. She graciously transmits 'alignment with ultimate truth' and constantly points out the way so that you may return home to your own unique expression of power. The path of real transformation comes not without potential hazards, but Jaclyn's experience and innate wisdom prevent you from getting lost, from sticking to what is known, from allowing your ego to shelter you, and from allowing any distorted or low-level energies into the container of personal evolution that she creates with you.

Let her come into your life with her sword of truth. She will care for you throughout the process but also challenge you where you're resisting, lead you to take actions to make sustainable changes, and see you clearly when you may not see yourself. If you want to get serious about cultivation, experience real psychological transformation, and rediscover your true seat of power, then this is the program for you. It’s a life-changing experience. It's not for the fainthearted. This changes everything permanently." 

Las Vegas

Spiritual Transformation in Las Vegas
Spiritual Therapy Program
Year-Long Spiritual Program Las Vegas
Spiritual Coaching Programs Las Vegas

This program is my deepest offering. It's the culmination of wisdom gained over fifteen years of Counseling, Spiritual Guidance, and Ceremonies with clients, as well as decades of my own cultivation practice. I've cleared a lot from my life to create space for this offering and to remain fully charged, present, and in my own power, so that I can arrive, for you, in the best possible form.

If after requesting & viewing the materials you feel this program (and me!) are a solid fit for what you need, I am honored. I approach this work with great integrity and compassion, and it means a lot to me to be chosen to receive your trust. On my end, I choose participants based on a felt affinity between us - a sincere resonance of hearts and spirits - I do not choose based solely on whomever is interested and able to make the financial commitment. We will be on this journey together, and the kindred trust between us is just as important to me as I imagine it is to you.

While I cannot promise that The Initiation program will lead you to the love of your life, a seven-figure income, all health issues resolved, and a life in which you manage stress so gracefully that it feels as if you are living an anxiety-free life, those things have happened over the course of this program. My only promise is that you will be 'truer' by the end of this journey. Your destiny is a unique one and cannot be forced, learned, purchased, or prescribed; it's written in the stars and patiently waiting for you to soar upwards to meet it.

If you're ready to make that devotional commitment to yourself, to your unique process of metamorphosis and flight, I couldn't be happier to share this program with you. Remember: the final results and destination of this voyage are not up to me. You're the one steering the ship. May I merely be the trusted counsel at your side, pointing to the compass you already hold within.  

Spiritual Transformation Programs, Healing Programs Las Vegas
Spiritual Transformation Programs, Healing Programs Las Vegas
Spiritual Guidance Las Vegas - Couples Counseling Las Vegas - Sound Healing Las Vegas
Programs for Self-Development Las Vegas

If you feel drawn to this program, reach out to me via this form, and I will send you a private link to enter The Initiation portal where you can view a detailed description of the program including information about each of the 15 Experiential Modalities, pricing, and FAQs. After that, if you'd like to schedule an Introductory Session to meet and see if there is a felt resonance between us, as well as to learn more about how The Initiation can best support your specific life & dreams, that session can be arranged with no obligation for you to sign up for the program. 

The information entered into the form below will remain confidential.

Thank you! I will be in touch with more information shortly. Until then, Many Blessings.

Spiritual Transformation Programs, Healing Programs Las Vegas

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Sign up for occasional e-mail updates and invites to open events.

© Copyrighted 2024 by Jaclyn Costello & Sanyasi LLC - 3249 Grayson Lake Court - Las Vegas, Nevada - 702.619.6219

Jaclyn Costello - Home - Las Vegas Couples Counseling Spiritual Guidance - Empowerment Coaching

Couples Counseling Program Spiritual Transformation Program Medicinal Sound Ceremonies - Shamanic Healings

Hapé Ceremonies  - Praise

Please contact me before sharing images from site; most are personal photos, clients, or pictures of professional art in my home. Thank you!
Spiritual Guidance Las Vegas - Couples Counseling Las Vegas - Sound Healing Las Vegas
Couples Counseling Las Vegas, Spiritual Guidance Las Vegas, Sound Healing Las Vegas

Thank you for your interest! If you'd like more information on either of my two, private, year-long programs, please read through either the "Introduction to SOAR - The Initiation" page or the "Introduction to SOAR - The Big Heart Path" page and fill out the contact form at the bottom of either page. I look forward to connecting with you!

Aside from those two programs, my client list is currently full, and I am not taking on new clients. The exception is: Jessica and I are still available for group Medicinal/Shamanic Sound Ceremonies, so please reach out below if you have a group interested in a customized healing ceremony.

Thank you! I will be in touch with more information shortly. Until then, Many Blessings.

Couples Counseling Summerlin, Spiritual Guidance Las Vegas, Sound Healing Las Vegas

Not looking to schedule a session, but still want to keep in touch?
Sign up for occasional e-mail updates and invites to open events.

© Copyrighted 2024 by Jaclyn Costello & Sanyasi LLC - 3249 Grayson Lake Court - Las Vegas, Nevada - 702.619.6219

Jaclyn Costello - Home - Las Vegas Couples Counseling Spiritual Guidance - Empowerment Coaching

Couples Counseling Program Spiritual Transformation Program Medicinal Sound Ceremonies - Shamanic Healings

Hapé Ceremonies  - Praise

Please contact me before sharing images from site; most are personal photos, clients, or pictures of professional art in my home. Thank you!
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