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Empowerment Coaching

Empowerment and Leadership Coaching Las Vegas - Life Coaching for Men
Empowerment Coaching - Life Coaching for Men - Leadership Coaching Las Vegas
Leadership Coaching - Empowement Coaching for Women Las Vegas
Life Coach For Men Las Vegas

Empowerment & Leadership Coaching may be a great fit for you if:

You're Ready

To make a big life change:
expand or re-structure your business, re-invigorate your relationship, lead the people around you (in your family, company, or community) to greater joy & harmony, embody
 a new sense of self 

To release beliefs, mindsets, habits, shadowy behaviors, and addictions that are not supporting your purest, highest development

To feel more empowered, become a more effective leader, guide others with wisdom & compassion

You Seek

To solve a difficult problem or set of challenges that leave no room for error

To uplevel your emotional, psychological & spiritual health with the support of an experienced guide

To better manage or eliminate: anger issues, stress, anxiety, cloudiness,  depression, resentment, and non-compatible relationships

To connect with your intuition and make decisions that result in both external success and inner peace

You Desire

To see and feel measurable results

To build & maintain strong, loving, passionate relationships
To be a better communicator and/or to guide those you lead toward more effective communication
To align with your purposes and create a rich, full, satisfying life that integrates & reflects those purposes

To feel more grounded and alive      

You Know

Exactly what you want in life but don't have the support, structure, or tools to get there; or, you're not sure what you want, and you need help gaining clarity & inspiration

Having a guide will accelerate your personal evolution 

It's time to rid yourself of doubt, delusion, & fear

It's time to become more authentically powerful

It's time to spread your wings, take a leap, & soar toward your wildest dreams

Women's Empowerment Coach Las Vegas Summerlin
Empowerment Coaching - Life Coaching for Men - Leadership Coaching Las Vegas
Life Coach Summerlin Las Vegas
Empowerment and Leadership Coaching Las Vegas - Life Coaching for Men
Business Coaching for CEOs, Executives, and Start-ups
Life Coach for Men Las Vegas
Executive Empowerment Leadership Coaching Las Vegas
Empowerment and Leadership Coaching Las Vegas - Life Coaching for Men
Executive Coaching Las Vegas
Life Coach For Men Las Vegas
Life Coach for Women Las Vegas
Empowerment and Leadership Coaching Las Vegas - Life Coaching for Women
Life Coach for Men Las Vegas

Empowerment & Leadership Coaching

for CEOs, Spiritual Leaders, Entrepreneurs - and anyone else looking to SOAR

On multiple occasions, I have been called a spiritual Wendy Rhodes. If you haven't seen Billions, don't mind the reference; it's one that sits funny with me anyway (though I understand why it's made!) There is a certain type of client who makes that comparison, and they are often a high-powered, passionate leader accustomed to solving complex problems, juggling a dynamic enterprise (or many visionary projects), and holding space for numerous employees or people in their community - all while not having anyone that they, themselves, turn to for discerning guidance. They may be so used to dealing with challenges on their own that they rarely seek outside support. Or, they'd actually love a trusted perspective but don't know where to find someone multi-faceted & expansive enough to hold their own expansiveness.

Some of my favorite clients are the ones that require all my guidance skills to be turned on high simultaneously: my full presence, deep listening, intelligence, wisdom, intuition, problem-solving abilities, and heart. I feel most useful in situations that can't be easily addressed by just anyone, and I love working with clients who can't easily find a resonant match because they are so radically developed in multiple areas (i.e. their intuition, their business acumen, their intelligence, their depth, the consciousness they bring to their relationships, etc.) that they struggle to find someone who equals their levels of development and can actually meet them where they are, to then guide them from there.

If existence fulfills whatever you ask of it, what will you possibly choose, and how will you create it?​

Life Coach Summerlin Las Vegas
Spiritual Guidance Las Vegas - Couples Counseling Las Vegas - Sound Healing Las Vegas
Couples Counseling Las Vegas, Spiritual Guidance Las Vegas, Sound Healing Las Vegas

Thank you for your interest! If you'd like more information on either of my two, private, year-long programs, please read through either the "Introduction to SOAR - The Initiation" page or the "Introduction to SOAR - The Big Heart Path" page and fill out the contact form at the bottom of either page. I look forward to connecting with you!

Aside from those two programs, my client list is currently full, and I am not taking on new clients. The exception is: Jessica and I are still available for group Medicinal/Shamanic Sound Ceremonies, so please reach out below if you have a group interested in a customized healing ceremony.

Thank you! I will be in touch with more information shortly. Until then, Many Blessings.

Couples Counseling Summerlin, Spiritual Guidance Las Vegas, Sound Healing Las Vegas

Not looking to schedule a session, but still want to keep in touch?
Sign up for occasional e-mail updates and invites to open events.

© Copyrighted 2024 by Jaclyn Costello & Sanyasi LLC - 3249 Grayson Lake Court - Las Vegas, Nevada - 702.619.6219

Jaclyn Costello - Home - Las Vegas Couples Counseling Spiritual Guidance - Empowerment Coaching

Couples Counseling Program Spiritual Transformation Program Medicinal Sound Ceremonies - Shamanic Healings

Hapé Ceremonies  - Praise

Please contact me before sharing images from site; most are personal photos, clients, or pictures of professional art in my home. Thank you!
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