Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats
Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats
Spiritual revelations do not arrive from thinking long & hard about Divinity. They come through silencing our thoughts, moving our ego out of the way, and opening up to the quiet, mysterious, spiritual realm that is always here with us. The world of soul is here and now, superimposed and woven through the world of the five sense. It doesn't take belief. It is Reality itself. You must only learn to see beyond the veils.
“There is another world, but it is in this one."
–W.B. Yeats
Healing occurs in the mind, heart, spirit, and body. Any system of self-improvement that does not address all of these essential components of the human being is lacking. I believe this so strongly I’ll repeat it: Any attempt to heal only one aspect of yourself without addressing the others, will ultimately lead to imbalance and unhappiness.
Welcome back! In case you'd like to view all of this program's information in one place, I have included on this page: the "Introduction to SOAR - The Initiation" information you may have already read, as well as the additional details you requested. To jump to the new information, click here. Or, scroll down and refresh your memory about the program before moving on.
What does it mean to you to soar? Is it creating a life filled with soulful adventures? Watching your most beloved wishes materialize? Dedicating yourself to a spiritual practice to deepen your understanding of reality? Is it having a healthy body, mind, and spirit? Cultivating a lasting sense of peace? Being of service to others? Walking upon the Earth more harmoniously? Is it experiencing the joy found in meaningful relationships with others & with yourself? Is it residing within an internal place of unshakable sovereignty?
No matter the contents of your heart's desires, before you can truly soar in your life, it would be wise to first descend into soul. It is only from within this deep inner realm that a profound metamorphosis can take place; from within this sanctuary of depth, truth, and awareness you will anchor, restore and purify - aligning with your truest Self and discovering a wellspring of authentic power. That alignment and power are the essential conditions for you to achieve your wildest dreams and share your greatest offerings.
A decent into soul is an extended process of discovery that results in a radical alteration of consciousness and a psychospiritual shift in identity. This process is very different than a mere "rite of passage" which is typically a ceremony, event, or experience that marks a particular change in a person's life such as puberty, pregnancy, marriage, induction into a special group, the ordination of a priest, the enthronement of a King, etc. By contrast, a decent into soul is not a singular rite or ritual that marks a passage between socially defined roles or statuses, but rather, it is an extensive journey (containing many rites, ceremonies, periods of introspection, and meetings with a trusted guide) that allows the individual to transition between entire levels of spiritual development, reaching a level of sophisticated spiritual maturation along the path of personal evolution.
SOAR's "The Initiation" is designed to catalyze & support your individual process of soul-decent, metamorphosis, and expansion, so that whatever it personally means to you to soar can be fully embodied.
The Initiation is a private, intimate, year-long journey that weaves together Personal Guidance Sessions & unique Experiential Modalities. Each of the Experiential Modalities contains a thoughtfully curated ceremony or meditation created to heal, activate, clear, or illuminate specific aspects of the participant's soul, heart, and psyche. The program has been structured around these modalities because ceremonies & sacred meditations satisfy our longing for spiritual communion, personal healing, and a reverent, felt understanding of our place within the primordial universe. These rites of passage and holy rituals have been part of the human experience for tens of thousands of years and are no less powerful today than they were when performed by our ancient ancestors, underneath the stars. To participate in such an experience is to dedicate oneself to the mysterious adventure of continual awakening.
Between each of the 15 Experiential Modalities, participants meet with me twice a month for Personal Guidance Sessions which can include: Spiritual Guidance, Therapy, Empowerment Coaching, Strategic Business/Life Re-Structuring, or Jungian Sandplay Therapy. These sessions are also invaluable for integrating the gems uncovered during the Experiential Modalities, so you're better able to apply grounded, lasting changes to your everyday life before moving on to the next modality where you will explore even further and go even deeper. Due to the organic nature of personal evolution, the Personal Guidance Sessions are not rigid and will be adapted to suit your specific needs - what you're working on during any given month, what you need to address with more precision, and what brings you the greatest sense of progress. Logistically, if you prefer to meet for one, 3 hour session each month instead of two, 1.5 hour sessions, that is a welcomed option.
There is also an optional, personalized Retreat that can be integrated into The Initiation program mid-way through. This retreat can be held in a number of beautiful locations in the United States or abroad, and the experience will be co-lead by one or more healers/facilitators specializing in either somatic healing, grief therapy, re-birthing, nature immersions, plant medicine ceremonies, psycho-spiritual development, or physical detoxification, depending on exactly what you need.
If you do not live in the Las Vegas area, you are welcome to embark on The Initiation journey virtually for your Personal Guidance Sessions, then arrange to visit Las Vegas for several intensives over the year, during which you will experience the in-person Experiential Modalities.
If you find yourself intrigued by this program (or in need of it!), reach out to me and sign up for a 1.5 hour Introductory Session to meet and see if there is a felt resonance between us, as well as to learn more about how The Initiation journey can best support your unique life & dreams. The Introductory Session will be at my hourly rate with no obligation for you to sign up for the program.
"When Jaclyn asked me on day one what I most wanted from this, I told her ‘to clear myself of all darkness, become ready for a sacred relationship, and move into the highest level of awareness possible for me.' She looked at me with a straight face and said, 'okay'. Down the road we laughed and honored that moment, not just because of the grandeur of my intentions but also when I realized she had given me exactly what I'd asked for... even though the process of getting me there didn't look anything like I thought it would. In fact It was much harder, less glamorous, and involved more deep, grounded and steady work, but it was exactly what I needed and had been yearning for my whole life.
That's an important note for future participants: what your egoic personality may want to experience is most likely not what you ultimately need, as what you might actually require is a lot of letting go and releasing of many of your deepest held thoughts, beliefs & mental constructs to actually bring about real lasting and radical change.
Until I met Jaclyn, I didn't realize how much I was dwelling on the surface of things. I'd been seeking and joining all sorts of programs, teachers, and most recent plant medicine retreats, but not making any real progress. I even paid a prominent men's coach $75,000 for eight months of what turned out to be impersonal, disorienting coaching in a small group setting that did nothing but create more of an internal mess for me to clean up.
Jaclyn is different from anyone I've worked with, not just because of her pure, wise, powerful embodied presence, but also in the way she truly shows up for you. She graciously transmits 'alignment with ultimate truth' and constantly points out the way so that you may return home to your own unique expression of power. The path of real transformation comes not without potential hazards, but Jaclyn's experience and innate wisdom prevent you from getting lost, from sticking to what is known, from allowing your ego to shelter you, and from allowing any distorted or low-level energies into the container of personal evolution that she creates with you.
Let her come into your life with her sword of truth. She will care for you throughout the process but also challenge you where you're resisting, lead you to take actions to make sustainable changes, and see you clearly when you may not see yourself. If you want to get serious about cultivation, experience real psychological transformation, and rediscover your true seat of power, then this is the program for you. It’s a life-changing experience. It's not for the fainthearted. This changes everything permanently."
Las Vegas
This program is my deepest offering. It's the culmination of wisdom gained over fifteen years of Counseling, Spiritual Guidance, and Ceremonies with clients, as well as decades of my own cultivation practice. I've cleared a lot from my life to create space for this offering and to remain fully charged, present, and in my own power, so that I can arrive, for you, in the best possible form.
If after requesting & viewing the materials you feel this program (and me!) are a solid fit for what you need, I am honored. I approach this work with great integrity and compassion, and it means a lot to me to be chosen to receive your trust. On my end, I choose participants based on a felt affinity between us - a sincere resonance of hearts and spirits - I do not choose based solely on whomever is interested and able to make the financial commitment. We will be on this journey together, and the kindred trust between us is just as important to me as I imagine it is to you.
While I cannot promise that The Initiation program will lead you to the love of your life, a seven-figure income, all health issues resolved, and a life in which you manage stress so gracefully that it feels as if you are living an anxiety-free life, those things have happened over the course of this program. My only promise is that you will be 'truer' by the end of this journey. Your destiny is a unique one and cannot be forced, learned, purchased, or prescribed; it's written in the stars and patiently waiting for you to soar upwards to meet it.
If you're ready to make that devotional commitment to yourself, to your unique process of metamorphosis and flight, I couldn't be happier to share this program with you. Remember: the final results and destination of this voyage are not up to me. You're the one steering the ship. May I merely be the trusted counsel at your side, pointing to the compass you already hold within.
Below you will find details for The Initiation program. The program is comprised of four distinct phases: Preparation, The Descent, Metamorphosis, and Embodiment. In each phase, there are three or four Experiential Modalities (ceremonies, meditations, and rites of passage created to highlight & deepen the phase you are working through on your journey) - each of these is represented below by a picture and an accompanying description of the modality.
Between each Experiential Modality, participants will meet with me for Personal Guidance Sessions once or twice per month, depending on their preference. These sessions are not pictured below and are entirely unique to you/your journey; they will focus on your specific needs during any given month and can include: Spiritual Guidance, Therapy, Empowerment Coaching, Strategic Business/Life Re-Structuring, or Jungian Sandplay Therapy. Also included in The Initiation program but not pictured below, are readings, prayers, mantras, podcasts, self-guided meditations, and other suggested homework that will be offered to you over the course of the program.
I hope you enjoy viewing the program details and gauging the general feel & flow of The Initiation. After the program details, you will find optional add-on modalities, responses to FAQs, and the next step to move forward. Enjoy!
Initial Guidance Session
*1.5 Hour Introductory Session*
An opportunity for you to share your deepest values, dreams, goals, beliefs, wounds, and challenges with me - and to discuss how The Initiation program can best support your personal evolution. You will also use this session to determine if there is a felt resonance between us and if I am the best counselor & spiritual guide for your unique, transformative journey.
Heart Affinity: a Prayer
*A Heart-Centered Blessing*
This simple yet powerful, ancient Buddhist blessing has been adapted into a secular meditation + relaxing sound therapy session. Some people choose to add this 1 hour experience to the start of a Personal Guidance session (resulting in a longer session, but one in which you will be in a very peaceful, open-hearted state, right from the start!) Or, this can stand on its own as a separate experience.
Yoga Nidra: Wisdom from Self
*A 1.5 hour Guided Meditation*
During this Yoga Nidra in the tradition of Swami Satyananda, you will be led on an inner pilgrimage while in the delicate state between wakeful mindfulness & slumber. This method of meditation creates physical, mental, & emotional relaxation, allows you to gain valuable guidance from the subconscious & unconscious dimensions of your innermost Self, and helps you refine the art of navigating the more subtle realms of reality.
*Shamanic Journeying*
During this 2 hour experiential modality, we will begin to explore non-ordinary realms in a safe, protective setting. After the journeying, we'll discuss lessons on power, sovereignty, archetypical protectors, discernment, and other forms of personal protection. Depending on your needs, we may also cover how to stay clear of unwanted energies and/or building a sincere, intimate relationship with a non-physical protector.
Songs from Earth
*A Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Healing*
During this 2.5-3 hour ceremony, co-led by Heart-Centered Sound Therapist Jessica Foutz, you will have the option of receiving the South American plant medicine hapé - though it is not necessary to feel the benefits of this special experience; it is merely a sacred intensifier. This ceremony will illuminate the power of sound in healing the body, mind, & soul, and will be reflective of my training with various shamanic lineages & indigenous healing customs.
The Clearing
*A Somatic & Shamanic Healing*
During this 1-2 hour integral healing, your system will be cleared of unwanted energies created by unprocessed traumas that were never fully released. The healing also works to clear energies that are not your own, that you may have picked up in the world from other people, places, or experiences - or energies that were "sent" to you in the form of negative thoughts, words, or intentions. The session will end with a Life Force/Chi Restoration Meditation.
*The Art of Letting Go*
This 1-3 hour ritual/ceremony will be completely customized based on your specific needs and may involve any combination of: burial, fire, nature rituals, in-home clearing, releasing the past, the deconstruction of old narratives & identities, releasing projections, and Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Healing. If desired, this modality can be moved to any point along your journey.
Inner Child & Trauma Reconciliation
*Re-Mothering, Re-Fathering, & Love*
Regardless of whether or not you have distinct childhood trauma or unsettling memories, this 1.5 hour therapeutic regression into your childhood will serve as a tender modality to help you heal from, learn from, or re-construct new realities/perceptions around moments from your past when you did not receive the love, understanding, and awareness that you needed from a key caretaker or other essential person in your childhood.
Yoga Nidra:
Meeting with a Guide
*A 1.5 hour Guided Meditation*
During this second Yoga Nidra, you will be taken on an expansive, liminal journey to meet with a non-physical, benevolent, spiritual guide to receive nourishment, insights, and answers to some of your soul's most beloved questions & longings. If you'd prefer, this Yoga Nidra can be swapped out with a Past Life Regression (explained under the "More" category on this page.)
*A Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Healing*
You may find it helpful to arrive with an intention to this 2-3 hour ceremony, co-led by Jessica Foutz (with optional hapé). Or, you can simply show up & surrender. We both approach this work with great integrity, so whether your intention is to explore a meaningful question, connect with God or your ancestors, honor a big transition in your life, or simply relax and de-stress, you will greatly be cared for.
Shamanic Vision
*Three Journeys*
Part of leading a meaningful life involves having a healthy relationship with death and impermanence. During this 1.5 hour Experiential Modality, you will be guided on three, separate, shamanic journeys - each of which will provide you with a valuable lesson on death, dying, & impermanence. This, then - perhaps paradoxically - will guide you toward a way of existing that is ever richer, more embodied, and more alive.
Buddhist Death Meditation
*Reflection on Impermanence*
Continuing with the themes from the previous modality, this guided 2 hour meditation, inspired by Lama Surya Das's "Letting Go of The Person You Used to Be", can be held outdoors, as is the tradition, or inside if you prefer. This is a beautiful, gentle, and revealing meditation that I will simply sum up with a quote from poet & spiritual teacher, Stephen Levine: "Whatever prepares you for death enhances life."
The Initiation: an Anointing
*The Ultimate Re-birthing*
If your journey along this program's path were to have a climax, an apex, a moment of ultimate arrival, a triumphant sigh atop the highest mountain peak - my best guess is: this would be it.
This 2 hour guided empowerment is a transfiguration at the level of the soul. You will shed the remainder of what must be shed before you fully step into your mythopoetic identity: your truest, most authentic, most powerful, destined, & beloved Self.
Through the Gateway
*Nature as Healer & Holder*
Held outdoors in nature, this half-day rite of passage may involve any combination of: a symbolic portal/gateway leading to a desired future, (or a courageous crossing into the mysterious unknown!), a True Self activity to further acknowledge & solidify the identities, powers, & gifts uncovered in the previous modalities, and a humble recognition of (and appreciation for) the natural world's support of your ongoing, transformative journey.
Joyful Celebration or
Power Ceremony: Ancient Voices of Future Ancestors
*Customized Experiential Modality*
This final modality is an opportunity to acknowledge how far you've come - and to honor the adventures that yet await as you continue soaring to new heights. If desired, Jessica Foutz can co-lead this modality as a Shamanic Power Ceremony (with optional hapé), or you are welcome to dream up any other form of a ceremony or ritual that you feel perfectly marks the end of The Initiation program. You may choose to keep this as a private experience or to involve your friends and/or family.
Preparing for The Beloved
*The Greatest Love Story Ever Told*
This modality can be integrated into several Personal Guidance sessions, or it can be added to the program on its own. If you're interested in learning the very real art of "calling in" your Beloved, don't skip this one! Some of what we'll delve into includes: knowing exactly what you truly need in a Sacred Relationship, exploring the nature of your past relationships & how to break any unhealthy cycles/patterns, and creating the necessary internal & external environments to prepare you for your Beloved - your Dharmic (Soul) Partner.
Yoga Nidra: Past Life Regression
*A 1.5 hour Guided Yoga Nidra*
Using the techniques of Dr. Brian Weiss & Dolores Cannon, I will guide you through a gently hypnotic regression during which you'll explore particular moments from one or two of your past lives, as well as your soul's time spent in non-physical form in between lives. Whether or not you believe in reincarnation, this experience will lead you uncover hidden wisdom & jewels (perhaps "only" in your mind) that will undoubtedly help you along your current life's journey.
*Group Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Ceremony with optional Hapé*
Co-led by Jessica Foutz, this "Healing Waters" ceremony (comprised of your friends) will illuminate the power of the communal healing environment. Group ceremonies are typically several hours longer than individual ceremonies, and while less individual attention may be received, there is something truly special & powerful when a group of sincere, dedicated individuals gathers together to heal, explore, & expand.
*Creating a Sanctuary for Truth*
For more guidance on how to create an inner (mind-space) & outer (physical space) in which the voice of Truth can be best received, this modality can be added to your journey. We'll dive deep into intuition development, what may be blocking you from knowing your Truth, and how to build a connection to your own inner guidance (which provides a solid, trusted clarity beyond all fluctuating emotions & thoughts.) This modality can be integrated into a Personal Guidance Session or be added to the program on is own; either way, it's best towards the start of The Initiation path!
*Nourish, Expand, and Accelerate*
Based on your specific desires & needs, a custom, private retreat can be created for you in either the Pacific Northwest or abroad. This incredible experience can be co-led by a variety of trusted healers & facilitators specializing in: somatic healing, yoga, grief therapy, nature immersions, trauma release, plant medicine ceremonies, physical detoxification, and psycho-spiritual development. This is a very rare, special, meaningful opportunity for deep, supported solo work. To note: if you're feeling called to work with indigenous healers, that can be arranged as well.
The financial commitment for this intimate, private, year-long program is $12,000 when paid in full, or four payments of $3,240.
For cash transactions, there is a discount offered (ask me for details.)
Included in The Initiation year-long program are:
36 hours of one-on-one Personal Guidance Sessions with Jaclyn that can include: Spiritual Guidance, Therapy, Empowerment Coaching, Strategic Business/Life Re-Structuring, or Jungian Sandplay Therapy.
30 hours of uniquely curated Experiential Modalities with Jaclyn + guest healers that include: Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Ceremonies, Shamanic Journeys, Yoga Nidra Guided Meditations, Rites of Passage, Rituals for Letting Go, Prayers & Blessings, Somatic Healings, Celebration Ceremonies, & Nature Rituals. Note: the cost for any/all guest facilitators involved in the Experiential Modalities is also included.
Are there any extra costs?
Underneath the "More" category, you will find optional modalities you can add the program. "Preparing for the Beloved", "Intuit", "Yoga Nidra: Past Life Regression" and "Tribe" can either be added to the program at the hourly rate of $180/$150 cash, or they can be switched out in lieu of existing modalities (or Personal Guidance Sessions), at no extra cost to you. The "More" category modality titled "Retreat" is a completely customized option that will be created specifically for you, upon request, and will require an additional cost which varies depending on the location, the other facilitators involved, and the overall extensiveness of the Retreat. If you are being mindful about spending extra money, the Retreat option can easily incorporate a number of the existing Experiential Modalities, rather than standing alone as an entirely different & additional experience - this helps a lot with cost.
On another note, some individuals may decide they want more Personal Guidance Sessions during a particular part of the year-long journey (i.e. if you are working through something very new or intense, you may wish to come in weekly that month instead of just twice, which would require that you sign up for two, additional Personal Guidance Sessions, at my hourly rate.) It is entirely up to you whether or not you wish to add more monthly sessions at any point during this program; I will never pressure you to do so.
Is there an average age of a participant?
I've worked with individuals ranging from their teens to their 70s. There is something beautiful and profound about all stages of life, and there is much to be gained from The Initiation regardless of your age. Since this is an intimate, one-on-one program, the journey will be adapted specifically for you; the content is mercurial within the 15 Experiential Modalities, so depending on your specific needs, desires, and level of cultivation, the modalities will be adapted to suit you. As for the Personal Guidance Sessions, they are entirely customized, so whatever age, ethnic background, religion, partnership status, gender, cultivation level, or stage of life you are at, the program will be a meaningful opportunity for you to be seen in your truest form, held with great compassion, and guided further along your unique journey - starting from exactly where you are.
Can I embark on this journey with a partner or spouse?
The Initiation program is meant to be a solo journey for individual activation, metamorphosis, and embodiment. Because of that, most of the modalities have been created specially for one person. However, if you'd like to sign up side-by-side with a partner or spouse to complete the program at the same time, that would be an incredible option. If that doesn't feel like what you need, I encourage you to read about SOAR's "The Big Heart Path" program, specifically designed for couples! It's a completely different experience than The Initiation because The Big Heart program's sole focus in on partnership & love.
What if we decide to travel or need to take time off for other obligations?
As far as travel, illness, family time, or other reasons to pause your sessions - you are more than welcome to step away from the program as you see fit, as long as the program is completed within 1.5 years. One of the strengths of The Initiation program is that it serves as both a catalyst for new awareness + an incubator in which you will be guided to embody that new awareness. This is a different experience than popping in and out to see a therapist or attending a single retreat; this is a dedicated journey of inward reflection, change at the deepest levels, and meaningful application of that inward change to your external world. So, apart from "down time" due to illness, it is encouraged that you do not step away from the program for more than a few weeks at a time unless you are doing so in support of your process of transformation (i.e. taking extra time to integrate a new discovery, engaging in activities/travel that are nurturing your new awareness, focusing on the application of a big life change, etc.)
Will you be traveling or taking time off for other obligations?
I will likely need to travel abroad during the course of our time together. I am a long-time devoted cultivator and sometimes travel for solo nature retreats, trainings, and residencies. These times away are essential to nurturing my own personal & professional development, and they serve to make me an even better guide for you, upon return.
If I do need to travel, you will always be informed ahead of time, and you will either have the option to continue meeting with me over Zoom (unless I'm in a very remote location) or we can simply pause the program until I return. If you choose to pause the program, I will leave you with a thoughtfully curated collection of gems in lieu of my stead (suggested books, activities, self-guided meditations, etc.) to keep you on track and in the energy of The Initiation program. Also to note: my time away will never count towards your 1.5 year completion time table (i.e. if I leave for a month, you then have 1 year and 6 months to complete the program.)
Do I have to use plant medicines in this program?
No. In some of the Experiential Modalities there is the option to be served hapé or a 25-herb tea, but neither of those medicines is necessary for you to experience results in those modalities; those medicines are merely intensifiers. For the optional Retreat, depending on your circumstances & goals, there are other plant medicines available which may be offered by guest healers. Again, these medicines are not required or necessary to experience the power of the optional Retreat.
The Initiation program is a medicinal container in itself, and the use of plant medicines isn't necessary for metamorphosis within that container - especially because this program has been designed to both 1) activate new awareness and 2) aid in the real-time integration/embodiment of that newfound awareness. While experiences with psylocibin, Ayahuasca, and other entheogens can be extremely healing, they are not the only way to heal. In fact, for some people, entheogens serve as colorful distractions from the less dazzling work necessary to create lasting vertical transformation (versus mere horizontal change.)
The Initiation program isn't trying to compete with the incredible visionary states that entheogens like Ayahuasca can induce; Ayahuasca will win...it's the strongest psychedelic on the planet! But remember: personal evolution is not built on visions and epiphanies alone - it is built on the combination of new awareness and the grounded, practical, functional application of such awareness into your everyday life. That combination, I can promise, is an offering that The Initiation provides.
How does The Initiation program work if we don't live in Las Vegas?
We will meet over Zoom for our Personal Guidance sessions, and regarding the remainder of the program experiences, you can choose to either:
Come to Las Vegas for three in-person intensives/mini retreats over the 1.5 year time span, during which you'll experience all of the meditations, healings, rituals, & ceremonies OR
Come to Las Vegas for two in-person intensives/mini retreats and then incorporate the remainder of the Experiential Modalities into a more extensive Retreat in the Pacific Northwest or abroad (or: elsewhere in the States if you have a special location in mind!)
For the first option, there is no extra program cost (you will just need to pay for your travel + accommodations.) For the second option, there will be an extra program cost due to the fact that I (& possibly Jessica, depending on your preferences) will be traveling for the Retreat.
Do I need experience with meditation or shamanic work before I embark on this journey?
Nope! I love working with beginners, with full-blown masters, and with anyone in between. I've worked with such a range of clients over the years: from seasoned Dzogchen, Zen, and Vajrayana practitioners...to husbands or wives who were dragged in by their partners and were downright against the idea of meditation (or believed it was antithetical to their religion.) I am happy and comfortable with all levels of meditators and non-meditators.
Will all my problems be solved by the end of this program?
That's a big ask...and we can certainly work towards that, but the possibility also remains that you will need to continue working on certain areas of your life after the program is complete. Most people I know (myself included) are life-long cultivators, and the practice of self-refinement never really ends, it simply becomes more sophisticated and subtle. If nothing else, you will receive a ton of clarity, life-changing wisdom, evergreen tools, and value from this program; and once you fully embody the wisdom & awareness that you uncover, your life will be fundamentally, permanently, positively changed.
In short, by the end of this program, you will likely have arrived at a place of authentic self-hood and power, which will put you in a position to navigate life with far greater clarity, ease, and fortitude, so even if there are still areas in your life you must continue to "drill down on" moving forward, you will have a very clear continuing plan of exactly what those areas are and what you can do to continue your personal evolution.
Are other guides and healers involved?
There can be! And they are incredible. I have dear friends/colleagues in both Las Vegas and the Pacific Northwest who specialize in a variety of healing modalities ranging from somatic healing, grief therapy, trauma healing, nature immersions, yoga, plant medicine ceremonies, psycho-spiritual development, and physical detoxification, so depending on exactly what you need, any combination of these practitioners can be woven into your optional Retreat. As well, the Las Vegas based healers can be woven into The Initiation program, as is, without any extra cost to you! Jessica is already tightly woven into the Shamanic/Medicinal Sound Ceremonies; and Bekah, Chuck, & Justin are available, based on your specific needs, to lead or co-lead the "Liberate" and "Through the Gateway" modalities. I've shared a short introduction to each of the Las Vegas & Pacific Northwest guides below. There are also additional (unpictured) indigenous healers who may be available for one-on-one work with you, during the course of The Initiation program.
Jessica Foutz
Las Vegas
Heart-Centered Sound Therapist
Singer & Musician
Brewer of Sacred Cacao
About Jessica
Chuck Sebek
Las Vegas
Nature Intensives for Men
Hapé in the Wild
Recovering Academic
Bekah Andrew
Las Vegas
Intentional Yoga
Women's Health
Nature Ceremonies for Women
Anat LeBlanc
Pacific Northwest
Grief & Loss Counseling
Nature Intensives
Medicinal Intensives for:
Trauma Healing, Re-birthing, Personal Growth
Keri Padon
Pacific Northwest
Yin Yoga
Medicinal Intensives for:
Psycho-Spiritual Exploration & Physical Healing
E-mail me at jaclyn.costello@gmail.com or text me at 702.619.6219 to sign up for a 1.5 hour Introductory Session so we can meet, see if there is a felt resonance between us, and explore how SOAR's The Initiation will best support your personal evolution. The Introductory Session will be at my hourly rate ($180, or $150 cash/Venmo) with no obligation for you to sign up for the program.
© Copyrighted 2024 by Jaclyn Costello & Sanyasi LLC - 3249 Grayson Lake Court - Las Vegas, Nevada - 702.619.6219
Jaclyn Costello - Las Vegas Couples Counseling, Spiritual Guidance, Empowerment Coaching - Home